Voters want alternatives to Trump and Biden. I don’t know anyone excited to vote for Biden. They are actually dreading it. The most successful presidential election in my lifetime was 2008. Obama won 365 - 173. He beat McCain by nearly 10,000,000 votes!
Did he win because people wanted to vote against McCain? No, they wanted to vote FOR Obama. It’s about enthusiasm and turnout and there are many young leaders from swing states who could do better than Biden. Imagine the contrast they would have against Trump? Biden was doing terrible before the debate. He was losing young people left and right.
We are voting for someone to be President for four years. Imagine Biden two years from now and what those midterms will be like? And you know Trump will not concede the election, we have to beat him overwhelmingly.
Voters want alternatives to Trump and Biden. I don’t know anyone excited to vote for Biden. They are actually dreading it. The most successful presidential election in my lifetime was 2008. Obama won 365 - 173. He beat McCain by nearly 10,000,000 votes!
Did he win because people wanted to vote against McCain? No, they wanted to vote FOR Obama. It’s about enthusiasm and turnout and there are many young leaders from swing states who could do better than Biden. Imagine the contrast they would have against Trump? Biden was doing terrible before the debate. He was losing young people left and right.
We are voting for someone to be President for four years. Imagine Biden two years from now and what those midterms will be like? And you know Trump will not concede the election, we have to beat him overwhelmingly.
Well, said!