“Even how I’m describing these events is a choice” / rich and thought provoking for this reason. Melville makes an interesting read of democratic freedoms. I’m still thinking about many of the questions you pose...thanks for that

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Please share any link you have on Melville and democratic freedoms.

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Not sure your Melville background; I'm a bit of a fan. So -- the article from Strauss (couldn't read the whole thing - paywall) -- was talking about passive resistance (& free will) in Bartleby. The implicit connections give your post a lot of nuance.

Here's a good one specifically on Bartleby (and humanity) [I think of the commentators you mention]:


" a tale of two characters who fail to connect—whose very senses

of what it means to connect are so divergent as to guarantee failure.

In what follows I hope to demonstrate that the narrator's inability to

understand Bartleby results from a chronically self-interested orientation toward the scrivener. Indeed, all of his approaches to dealing with

the scrivener—remunerative, charitable, sapiential—would make of

Bartleby an object of the lawyer's desires: to run a successful office,

to feel like a good Christian, to understand another so as to contain him

as knowledge. What makes the story's final lines so poignant is that

the narrator ultimately recognizes that in his world, all relations are

interested. Bartleby has taught him the poverty of that arrangement, if

not the means of surpassing it."

This is a great article on 'democratic social space' making use mainly of Melville's Benito Cereno: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2928476?seq=18#metadata_info_tab_contents

And then Billy Budd is really interesting to look at because of the way the ship becomes its own 'society' and 'space of law.' And the sailors are both completely FREE and seemingly not; they choose to act as they do.

BB: Gospel of Democracy https://www.jstor.org/stable/2932628

BB and the Contagion of Democracy: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/562813/pdf

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Wow, this is incredible!

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I enjoyed this - the angle you have on Kyrie is an interesting one. I see Irving as someone who simply will not bend the knee unthinkingly to The Keepers of The Narrative. The HoS link shows his unwillingness to participate in the Regime / Big Pharma approved Covid Narrative. It's an amazing example of the Asch Conformity experiments. As we saw in the Strauss article:

- Visiting unvaccinated players can play, but Kyrie can't.

This sentence alone should have regular people worldwide acknowledging the absurdity of it all. Instead, The Establishment (Wilbon lost a LOT of respect with his reaction) went ballistic on Irving. That they didn't analyze the idiocy of the Nets' policy, and most of the Covid Narrative, is telling.

Irving is like many in my circle - someone who won't comply with illogical, stupid, and clownish 'mandates' from people who don't practice what they preach. The only difference is he plays professional basketball and is fabulously wealthy.

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